[guykawasaki] Thousands of Shoes in the National Geographic Kids Courtyard

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Thousands of Shoes in the National Geographic Kids Courtyard

Posted by  Megan Heltzel to Holy Kaw!

Ever wondered what 16,407 shoes looked like? No, you probably haven't. National Geographic Kids, on the other hand, has. For 4 months National Geographic Kids collected athletic shoes in an attempt to capture their seventh Guinness World Records title for the largest collection of shoes to recycle. The idea was to get kids to do something good for their environment by sending in used shoes that would then be recyled into athletic surfaces. Celebrities such as Taylor Swift, One Direction, Danica Patrick and Eli Manning joined in on the fun, and the result looked something like this...


Now you know; 16,407 shoes fills a courtyard. National Geographic's to be specific.

Full story at National Geographic Kids.


More news from Kids.

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